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Philosophical Themes in Schleiermacher’s Christology


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Philosophical foundations of Friedrich Schleiermacher’s christology are found in his rejection of the likeness theology found in many medieval theologians and in German rationalist philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries such as Leibniz and Kant. Instead, Schleiermacher offers a theology of divine otherness, as an interpretation of religious consciousness as awareness of oneself as “absolutely” (i.e., totally and unconditionally) dependent. On this basis all that we can characterize of that on which we are absolutely dependent (God) is its causality. Hence, Schleiermacher argues, Christian theology must not speak of a “nature” of God, but only of a causality of God, as present in Christ in a special way. It is argued that he identifies this divine causality as love (that is, as a causality tending toward human redemption), and as identical with Christ’s human love, on the basis of a teleology known in Christian experience of redemption.
机译:弗里德里希·施莱尔马赫(Friedrich Schleiermacher)的基督教哲学基础是,他拒绝了许多中世纪神学家和17、18世纪德国理性主义哲学家(例如莱布尼兹和康德)发现的相似神学。相反,施莱尔马赫(Schleiermacher)提供了神的异性的神学,作为对宗教意识的一种解释,宗教意识是对自己“绝对”(即完全和无条件)依赖的意识。在此基础上,我们所能描述的我们绝对依赖的(上帝)的特征就是其因果关系。因此,施莱尔马赫(Schleiermacher)认为,基督教神学一定不能讲上帝的“本质”,而只能讲上帝的因果关系,就像在基督里以特殊的方式表现出来的那样。有人认为,他根据基督教救赎经验中的目的论,将这种神圣的因果关系确定为爱(即倾向于人类救赎的因果关系),并且与基督的人类爱相同。



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