首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >A virtuous circle: laundering translation memory data using statistical machine translation

A virtuous circle: laundering translation memory data using statistical machine translation


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This study compares consistency in target texts produced using translation memory (TM) with that of target texts produced using statistical machine translation (SMT), where the SMT engine is trained on the same texts as are reused in the TM workflow. These comparisons focus specifically on noun and verb inconsistencies, as such inconsistencies appear to be highly prevalent in TM data. The study substitutes inconsistent TM target text nouns and verbs for consistent nouns and verbs from the SMT output to test whether this results in improvements in overall TM consistency and whether an SMT engine trained on the 'laundered' TM data performs better than the baseline engine. Improvements were observed in both TM consistency and SMT performance, a finding that indicates the potential of this approach for improving TM/ MT integration.
机译:这项研究将使用翻译记忆库(TM)生成的目标文本与使用统计机器翻译(SMT)生成的目标文本的一致性进行了比较,在SMT引擎上,培训了SMT引擎使用与TM工作流程相同的文本。这些比较专门针对名词和动词不一致,因为这种不一致在TM数据中似乎非常普遍。该研究将不一致的TM目标文本名词和动词替换为SMT输出中的一致名词和动词,以测试这是否会改善总体TM一致性,以及在“洗过的” TM数据上训练的SMT引擎是否比基线引擎表现更好。观察到TM一致性和SMT性能均得到改善,这一发现表明该方法具有改善TM / MT集成的潜力。



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