首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Imitation as translation: from Western theories of parody to Japanese postmodern pastiches

Imitation as translation: from Western theories of parody to Japanese postmodern pastiches


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After critically reviewing the divisions of imitation as proposed by Dryden and Genette, among others, the author discusses the evolution of this concept, from its origins to its latest development in modern England. His aim is to build an objective model for analyzing imitation as a form of translation. He then analyzes a case study from East Asia: Japanese manga imitations of the Chinese novel The Journey to the West, in particular Minekura Kazuya's 1997-2002 Journey to the Extreme (Gensōmaden Saiyūki). The author seeks to show how the changes made by the manga artists to the plot and characters exemplify ways in which imitations function in a new context. The article ends with some historical reflections on the position of imitation in translation theory and practice, while relating it to the contemporary context. It is hoped that the discussion will contribute to dispelling the misunderstandings and prejudice towards imitation, at the same time encouraging renewed attention to this old concept.
机译:在严谨地回顾了Dryden和Genette提出的模仿划分之后,作者讨论了该概念的演变,从概念的起源到现代英格兰的最新发展。他的目标是建立一个客观模型来分析模仿形式的翻译。然后,他分析了一个来自东亚的案例研究:日本漫画对中国小说《西游记》的模仿,尤其是Minekura Kazuya的1997-2002年《至尊之旅》(GensōmadenSaiyūki)。作者力图展示漫画家对情节和人物所做的改变如何体现模仿在新环境中的作用方式。本文以对模仿在翻译理论和实践中的地位的一些历史思考作为结尾,同时将其与当代语境联系起来。希望这种讨论将有助于消除对模仿的误解和偏见,同时鼓励人们重新关注这一古老观念。



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