首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Reconstructing cultural identity via paratexts: A case study on Lionel Giles' translation of The Art of War

Reconstructing cultural identity via paratexts: A case study on Lionel Giles' translation of The Art of War

机译:通过副文本重建文化身份:以莱昂内尔·吉尔斯(Lionel Giles)的《孙子兵法》翻译为例

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As a classic military text in China, Sun Tzu's The Art of War has been translated into multiple languages, thus facilitating its impact on Western strategic culture. However, there has been little research on the reconstruction of cultural identity and paratexts in these translations. To address this issue, the present paper provides a descriptive case study of Giles' English translation of The Art of War. It first proposes a framework based on the theoretical discussions of cultural identity and paratext in translation. The data in this study is drawn from a self-built parallel corpus. This study finds three methods - supplementation, comparison and evaluation - used in the paratexts to reconstruct a respectable Chinese strategic culture. It also reveals that Giles' nonethnocentric approach to translation contributed to the warm reception of The Art of War in Western strategic culture. Our study suggests that paratexts can provide an empowering platform for translators in their reconstruction of cultural identities, and nonethnocentric translations are helpful in accomplishing the goal of successful cross-cultural communication.



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