首页> 外文期刊>Perspectives: studies in translatology >Dangerous visions? The circulation and translation of women's crime fiction and science fiction

Dangerous visions? The circulation and translation of women's crime fiction and science fiction


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Crime fiction and science fiction (SF) have long been associated with male writers and readers. Typically, in these popular genres the main characters have been men, while women have been mostly represented in a traditional way. This changed when, in the 1970s and early 1980s, a number of women writers appropriated these forms of popular fiction, subverting their conventional elements and introducing heroines and themes that had a strong feminist character. Since a number of these texts were also translated into Italian, the question I want to consider is to what extent these gender-based innovations in crime fiction and SF were represented in the Italian versions, at a time when Italy was going through remarkable transformations, in relation to the role of women in the family and society. In this article I explore this issue by analysing the way in which subversive models of female identity in a corpus of English crime fiction and SF were introduced and translated into Italian. The results show that while most of these texts were allowed entrance into the Italian cultural space, a number became the site of gendered discourses, affecting both the paratextual and the textual levels.
机译:犯罪小说和科幻小说(SF)长期以来与男性作家和读者相关联。通常,在这些流行类型中,主要角色是男性,而女性则大多以传统方式代表。 1970年代和1980年代初,许多女作家采用了这些形式的通俗小说,颠覆了他们的传统元素,并引入了具有强烈女权主义特征的女主角和主题,这种情况发生了改变。由于其中许多文本也都被翻译成了意大利语,因此我想考虑的问题是,在意大利正经历重大转变的时候,这些基于性别的犯罪小说和科幻小说创新在意大利语版本中所占的比例如何,关于妇女在家庭和社会中的作用。在本文中,我将通过分析引入英语犯罪小说和科幻小说中的女性身份颠覆模型并将其翻译成意大利语的方式来探讨这一问题。结果表明,尽管这些文本中的大多数文本都被允许进入意大利文化空间,但仍有许多文本成为性别话语的场所,从而影响了准文本和文本层面。



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