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Contested Boundaries: The String Theory Debates and Ideologies of Science


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Over the last three decades, physicists have engaged in, sometimes heated, debates about relative merits and prospects of string theory as a viable research program and even about its status as a science. The aim of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of this controversy as a particular form of boundary discourse. Drawing on the sociological work of Thomas Gieryn and Lawrence Prelli, we bring to light the way in which protagonists appeal to, and rhetorically construct, different views about the scientific method and the scientific ethos, in an effort to legitimize or delegitimize string theory.
机译:在过去的三十年中,物理学家进行了(有时甚至是激烈的)辩论,讨论了弦理论作为可行的研究程序的相对优点和前景,甚至还讨论了其作为科学的地位。本文的目的是作为一种特定形式的边界话语,对这一争议提供更深刻的理解。借鉴托马斯·吉林(Thomas Gieryn)和劳伦斯·普雷利(Lawrence Prelli)的社会学工作,我们揭示了主角呼吁并用言语构建关于科学方法和科学精神的不同观点的方式,旨在使弦论合法化或合法化。



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