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Open Corpus Architecture For Personalised Ubiquitous E-learning


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As the e-learning area matures, there are a growing number of e-learning content providers that produce and distribute material that covers a large range of topics, differs in quality and is represented in various formats. Lately, different devices and various network technologies allow extensive user access to educational content almost anywhere, anytime and from any device. Ubiquitous e-learning has the potential to provide continuous and context-based, educational material to human learners anytime, anywhere and on any device. Since each person has different expectations related to the content, the performance of the delivery and display of that content, it is desirable for an ubiquitous e-learning environment to provide user-oriented personalisation of e-learning material. However very often there are multiple sources of e-learning material at various web locations (open corpus resources) that cover the same topic, but differ in terms of quality, formatting and even cost. It is very difficult for learners to select the content that best suits their interests and goals, characteristics of the device used and delivery network as well as their cost budget. This paper proposes an innovative ubiquitous e-learning environment called Performance-based E-learning Adaptive Cost-efficient Open Corpus frameworK (PEACOCK) that provides support for the selection and distribution of personalisedrne-learning rich media content (e.g. multimedia, pictures, graphics and text) to e-learners such as it will best suit users' interests and goals, meet their formatting preferences and cost constraints, while considering the limitations introduced by the end-user devices and the delivery networks to the user. PEACOCK'S main goal is to maximise the users' e-learning experience and increase their learning satisfaction and learning outcome.
机译:随着电子学习领域的成熟,越来越多的电子学习内容提供商可以制作和分发涵盖广泛主题,质量不同且以各种格式表示的材料。最近,不同的设备和各种网络技术使用户几乎可以随时随地从任何设备访问教育内容。无所不在的电子学习有潜力在任何时间,任何地点,任何设备上为人类学习者提供连续的,基于情境的教学材料。由于每个人对内容,内容的交付和显示的性能都有不同的期望,因此,希望在无处不在的电子学习环境中提供面向用户的电子学习材料个性化。但是,经常会在不同的网站(开放语料库资源)上找到多个涵盖相同主题的电子学习资源,但其质量,格式甚至成本方面都存在差异。对于学习者来说,很难选择最适合他们的兴趣和目标,所用设备的特性和交付网络以及其成本预算的内容。本文提出了一种创新的无处不在的电子学习环境,称为基于性能的电子学习自适应经济高效开放语料库框架(PEACOCK),它为个性化学习富媒体内容(例如多媒体,图片,图形和文字)等电子学习器最适合用户的兴趣和目标,满足他们的格式设置偏好和成本限制,同时考虑到最终用户设备和交付网络对用户的限制。 PEACOCK的主要目标是最大化用户的电子学习体验,并提高他们的学习满意度和学习成果。



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