首页> 外文期刊>Performance Evaluation >A joint moments based analysis of networks of MAP/MAP/1 queues

A joint moments based analysis of networks of MAP/MAP/1 queues

机译:基于联合时刻的MAP / MAP / 1队列网络分析

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The decomposition based approximate numerical analysis of queueing networks of MAP/MAP/1 queues with FIFO scheduling is considered in this paper. One of the most crucial decisions of decomposition based queueing network analysis is the description of inter-node traffic. Utilizing recent results on Markov arrival processes (MAPs), we apply a given number of joint moments of the consecutive inter-event times to describe the inter-node traffic. This traffic description is compact (uses far less parameters than the alternative methods) and flexible (allows an easy reduction of the complexity of the model). Numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and the computational complexity of the proposed approximate analysis method.
机译:本文考虑了采用FIFO调度的基于分解的MAP / MAP / 1队列排队网络的近似数值分析。基于分解的排队网络分析的最关键决策之一是节点间流量的描述。利用最近的马尔可夫到达过程(MAP)的结果,我们应用给定数目的连续事件间时间的联合时刻来描述节点间流量。该流量描述紧凑(使用的参数比替代方法少得多)并且灵活(可以轻松降低模型的复杂性)。数值算例表明了所提出的近似分析方法的准确性和计算复杂性。



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