首页> 外文期刊>Parallel Computing >Data dependence analysis in programs with pointers

Data dependence analysis in programs with pointers


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This paper offers an introduction to the field of data dependence analysis in programs that handle pointers and dynamically allocated structures. We are principally concerned with methods that use monotone data flow systems, and in particular present in detail a one--pass approach we recently developed. The new method is appropriate for imperative languages such as C, Java, Fortran 90, Pascal, or Modula-2. We can perform an interprocedural analysis on recursive or nonrecursive programs, and deal with arbitrary acyclic data structures, covering any level of indirection; an extension to cyclic data structures is currently under development. Our method is based on storage representations called A/D graphs, that cover both reaching definitions and alias information simultaneously. May--alias information, as well as must--alias information, is implicitly kept in the graphs, allowing strong updates and thus leading to a high precision. Reaching definitions are represented in the graphs by means of an instrumented semantics. The new method is safe, accurate, fast, and storage--economical, and therefore promises to be a significant improvement over other known methods. A prototype implementation showed very encouraging results with regard to accuracy and analysis time.
机译:本文介绍了处理指针和动态分配结构的程序中的数据依赖分析领域。我们主要关注的是使用单调数据流系统的方法,尤其是详细介绍了我们最近开发的单程方法。新方法适用于命令式语言,例如C,Java,Fortran 90,Pascal或Modula-2。我们可以对递归或非递归程序执行过程间分析,并处理任意非循环数据结构,覆盖任何级别的间接性;目前正在开发对循环数据结构的扩展。我们的方法基于称为A / D图的存储表示形式,该表示形式同时涵盖到达定义和别名信息。图形中隐含地保留了-别名信息以及必须-别名信息,从而可以进行强大的更新,从而提高了精度。到达的定义通过工具化语义在图中表示。该新方法安全,准确,快速且易于存储-经济,因此有望比其他已知方法有显着改进。原型实现在准确性和分析时间方面显示出令人鼓舞的结果。



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