首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems >SybilDefender: A Defense Mechanism for Sybil Attacks in Large Social Networks

SybilDefender: A Defense Mechanism for Sybil Attacks in Large Social Networks


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Distributed systems without trusted identities are particularly vulnerable to sybil attacks, where an adversary creates multiple bogus identities to compromise the running of the system. This paper presents SybilDefender, a sybil defense mechanism that leverages the network topologies to defend against sybil attacks in social networks. Based on performing a limited number of random walks within the social graphs, SybilDefender is efficient and scalable to large social networks. Our experiments on two 3,000,000 node real-world social topologies show that SybilDefender outperforms the state of the art by more than 10 times in both accuracy and running time. SybilDefender can effectively identify the sybil nodes and detect the sybil community around a sybil node, even when the number of sybil nodes introduced by each attack edge is close to the theoretically detectable lower bound. Besides, we propose two approaches to limiting the number of attack edges in online social networks. The survey results of our Facebook application show that the assumption made by previous work that all the relationships in social networks are trusted does not apply to online social networks, and it is feasible to limit the number of attack edges in online social networks by relationship rating.
机译:没有可信身份的分布式系统特别容易受到sybil攻击,在此攻击中,对手会创建多个虚假身份以损害系统的运行。本文介绍了SybilDefender,一种Sybil防御机制,该机制利用网络拓扑来防御社交网络中的Sybil攻击。基于在社交图中执行有限数量的随机游走,SybilDefender高效且可扩展到大型社交网络。我们对两种3,000,000个节点的现实社会拓扑进行的实验表明,SybilDefender在准确性和运行时间方面均比最新技术高出10倍以上。 SybilDefender可以有效地识别sybil节点,并检测到sybil节点周围的sybil社区,即使每个攻击边缘引入的sybil节点的数量接近理论上可检测的下限。此外,我们提出了两种方法来限制在线社交网络中攻击边缘的数量。我们的Facebook应用程序的调查结果表明,以前的工作假设社交网络中的所有关系都是可信的,并不适用于在线社交网络,并且可以通过关系等级来限制在线社交网络中攻击边缘的数量。 。



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