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IUHPE and WHO joint collaboration efforts an Interview with Dr. Robert Beaglehole

机译:IUHPE与世界卫生组织共同合作努力对Robert Beaglehole博士进行访谈

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The active preparations for the 6th Global Conference on Health Promotion in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2005, the lively debate expressed from all parts of the world and within the IUHPE network (see www. rhpeo.org) about the development of a new Charter for Health Promotion to be launched in Bangkok, the triennial review of the IUHPE official relationships as a unique global NGO for health promotion and health education with WHO, all present an opportunity to invite Dr. Robert Beaglehole, Director, Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion at WHO Headquarters to share his views on several issues that the field of health promotion is facing today. The interview was conducted by Professor Maurice Mittelmark, President of the IUHPE. In addition, in the perspective of the review of collaboration between our two organisations by WHO Executive Board, a comprehensive report covering the period 2002, 2003 and 2004 was sent to WHO headquarters. It is available on the IUHPE website www.iuhpe.org under reports.
机译:2005年8月在泰国曼谷举行的第六届全球健康促进会议的积极筹备,世界各地以及IUHPE网络(见www.rhpeo.org)就新宪章的制定进行了热烈的辩论。即将在曼谷启动的“健康促进”活动,作为与卫生组织的唯一全球性健康促进和健康教育非政府非政府组织,对IUHPE官方关系进行的三年期审查,均提供了邀请慢性病和健康促进主任Robert Beaglehole博士参加的机会世卫组织总部就当今健康促进领域面临的几个问题分享他的观点。访谈由IUHPE主席Maurice Mittelmark教授进行。此外,从世卫组织执行局对我们两个组织之间合作的审查来看,向世卫组织总部发送了涵盖2002、2003和2004年的全面报告。可以在IUHPE网站www.iuhpe.org的报告下找到它。



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