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Engaged scholarship: Steering between the risks of paternalism, opportunism, and paralysis


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This article uses an example of critically oriented Action Research to reflect on the pitfalls and tensions inherent in engaged scholarship. The tensions are analyzed within three types of research-related relationships involving power: (1) between the participatory inquiry and its cultural, institutional, and social environment; (2) within the community' being studied, which itself is not homogeneous in terms of interests, values, and ability of their realization; and (3) between the researcher and the community'. These tensions connect to an attempt to use the three mutually exclusive approaches of pragmatism, critical theory, and constructivism. It is claimed that this meta-theoretical inconsistency, though not elegant, should be seen as a strength rather than a weakness. Following any approach in isolation would expose the researcher to the risk of opportunism (pragmatism), paternalism (critical theory), or relativism, and therefore paralysis (constructivism). Keeping a minimum level of variety enables the researcher to escape those pitfalls and to conduct ethical and emancipatory inquiry.
机译:本文以一个以批判为导向的行动研究为例,来反思敬业奖学金固有的陷阱和紧张关系。在涉及权力的三种与研究相关的关系中分析了这种紧张关系:(1)参与式探究与其文化,制度和社会环境之间的关系; (2)在所研究的社区内部,就利益,价值和实现能力而言,社区本身并不是同质的; (3)在研究人员和社区之间。这些紧张关系与尝试使用实用主义,批判理论和建构主义这三种相互排斥的方法有关。有人认为,这种元理论上的不一致虽然不是很优雅,但应被视为一种优势而不是劣势。采取任何孤立的方法都会使研究人员面临机会主义(实用主义),家长制(批判理论)或相对主义以及因此而麻痹(建构主义)的风险。保持最低限度的多样性可以使研究人员摆脱那些陷阱并进行道德和解放性的探究。



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