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ExxonMobil urges marketers to beware of new credit card fraud


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ExxonMobil is warning marketers about a new credit card scheme involving satellite dishes, Oil Express learns. The major says it has discovered that dishes at some of its stations have been tampered with, forcing the sites to go into the "store and forward" mode so that payments can be made with fraudulent cards. While ExxonMobil didn't say how the new scheme worked, it involves wrapping silver foil around part of the satellite dish to disrupt its receipt of the signal, sources say. "We're taking immediate actions to stop this type of fraud. You should, too, as it can have significant negative impact on your business," ExxonMobil told marketers in a Nov. 14 letter. The major is now turning off the "store and forward" option at stations where there have been a number of fraudulent sales, retailers say. The move should not affect customers because of "the reliability of our POS system," the refiner told marketers.
机译:Oil Express获悉,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)正在警告营销人员有关涉及卫星天线的新信用卡计划。这位少校说,它发现其某些车站的菜品已被篡改,迫使这些地点进入“存储并转发”模式,以便可以使用欺诈性的卡付款。消息人士称,虽然埃克森美孚没有透露新方案的运作方式,但它涉及将银箔包裹在部分卫星天线周围,以破坏其信号接收。埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)在11月14日的信中对营销人员说:“我们正在立即采取行动,制止这种欺诈行为。您也应该这样做,因为这会对您的业务产生重大负面影响。”零售商称,大型商店现在正在关闭存在大量欺诈性销售的车站的“存储并转发”选项。该炼油厂告诉市场商,此举不会因为“我们的POS系统的可靠性”而影响客户。



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