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Diet, Self-Help, and Related Books


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Why are popular diet books purchased by sonmany people? It could be that they are justnlooking for an easy solution to a difficult problem.nPerhaps people think that their doctor is not reallyninterested in talking to them about their diet or will benoverly judgmental if they bring up their desire to losenweight. Perhaps patients think the answers they get innpopular diet books will be more useful or reliable thannthe information they will get from their doctor. Whatevernthe reason, the reality is that popular diet books arenpurchased and read by many people who are interestednin losing weight or improving their health. These peoplenhave made a decision that their current diet or physicalnactivity behaviors may be a problem for them and theynare exploring new options. In the language of “stages ofnchange” theory, they are in the contemplation stage. Hownmuch work and effort do we expend trying to get patientsnto the point of reexamining their current health behaviorsnand here they are already at this point, open to change.nHow then should we as healthcare providers think aboutnpopular diet books?



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