首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >Focusing neutron reflectometry: Implementation and experience on the TOF-reflectometer Amor

Focusing neutron reflectometry: Implementation and experience on the TOF-reflectometer Amor


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Neutron reflectometry is a powerful tool to investigate chemical and magnetic depth profiles near surfaces. The advantages of neutrons compared to x-rays are their sensitivity to isotopes, the high penetration capabilities and the high sensitivity to magnetic induction. The biggest disadvantage however is the low flux available, which leads to much longer counting times on much larger samples. In order to boost the performance of neutron reflectometers, a focusing guide system was developed and realised over recent years. Here we report on the application and performance of a down-scaled demonstrator of such a Selene guide, installed as an add-on on the time-of-flight (TOF) reflectometer Amor at the PSI. Due to the limited size of the guide, the flux is concentrated to a footprint of at most 2 mm width. It is thus possible to avoid illumination of contacts even on small samples. Despite the fact that typical samples measured on Amor with a size of 10 × 10 mm~2 are markedly under illuminated, the presented set-up leads to a reduction in counting time of 80%. The use of the demonstrator thus allows for in-situ or in-operando investigations with a time resolution of a few minutes for a q_z range from 0.005 A~(-1) to 0.08 A~(-1). Besides a short recapitulation of the concept of focusing reflectometry, a detailed description of the data reduction and its quality is given, followed by an application example.
机译:中子反射法是研究表面附近化学和磁性深度剖面的有力工具。与X射线相比,中子的优势在于它们对同位素的敏感性,高穿透能力和对磁感应的高度敏感性。然而,最大的缺点是可用的通量低,这导致在大得多的样品上计数时间更长。为了提高中子反射计的性能,近年来开发并实现了聚焦导向系统。在这里,我们报告了这种Selene指南的缩小演示器的应用和性能,该演示器作为附件安装在PSI的飞行时间(TOF)反射仪Amor上。由于导向器的尺寸有限,焊剂会集中到最大2 mm宽度的覆盖区。因此即使在小样品上也可以避免触点的照明。尽管在Amor上测量的典型样品的尺寸为10×10 mm〜2明显在照明下,但所提供的设置可将计数时间减少80%。因此,演示器的使用允许在0.005 A〜(-1)至0.08 A〜(-1)的q_z范围内进行几分钟或几分钟的时间分辨率的原位或操作中研究。除了简要概述了聚焦反射仪的概念外,还给出了数据缩减及其质量的详细说明,然后给出了一个应用示例。



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