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The Manawatu Railway Companys Workshops -An Interesting Review


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"At the meeting of the committee of the Wellington Provincial Industrial Association last night, a report of a visit paid to the Wellington and Manawatu Company's workshops, Thorndon, was read. It is customary for a committee of three to pay the monthly visits with the secretary, but such interest was taken in this visit that many other members attended, and more would have done so had they been able to devote the afternoon. Probably only comparatively few people in Wellington know the importance of the manufacturing, fitting, and building going on in these workshops. The committee was introduced to Mr. Bargh, manager of the workshops, and he accompanied the members, and his principal (Mr. Marchbanks) through all departments. Amongst the many machines in the machine shop were seen the following - a very modern high-speed lathe with overhead speed gear, out of which eighteen different speeds can be got, and with which thirty-two threads can be cut without any change; planing machines, with all the latest modern tools, and oil pump attached; shapers (cutting grooves in mild steel); screwing machines, and chucking and boring lathe by Dean Smith and Co., of Keightley, England (just imported); emery stones with patent attachments for sharpening tools; radial drilling machines; a 100-ton wheel press used for pressing on wheels; small drills or centering machines; a machine for buffing and grinding; a smaller one for dies, etc etc.
机译:“昨晚在惠灵顿省工业协会委员会会议上,宣读了对惠灵顿和马纳瓦图公司车间桑顿的访问报告。按惯例,由三个委员会组成的委员会每月对惠灵顿工厂进行访问。秘书,但是这次访问引起了很多其他成员的兴趣,如果他们能够在下午投入更多的精力,那么惠灵顿可能只有很少的人知道制造,装修和建造的重要性。在这些车间中,委员会被介绍给了车间经理Bargh先生,他在各个部门的陪同下与成员及其负责人(Marchbanks先生)一起在机加工车间中发现了许多机器,如下所示:一种非常现代的带有架空齿轮的高速车床,可以从中获得十八种不同的速度,并且可以在不进行任何更改的情况下切割出32条螺纹;包括所有最新的现代工具和附带的油泵;成型机(低碳钢切槽);英格兰Keightley的Dean Smith and Co.的拧紧机,夹头和镗床(仅进口);带有专利附件的金刚砂磨刀工具;径向钻孔机;用于压紧车轮的100吨轮压机;小型钻头或定心机;抛光和研磨的机器;较小的用于模具等。



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