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IBM opens up Power processors


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IBM hopes to do for its Power processor what it helped do for Linux: create a bigger market, in which lots of vendors can play, and earn more money for IBM in the process. At an event in Barcelona earlier this month, the company announced that 11 new members have joined Power.org, a consortium set up in December for organizations developing Power-based chips, systems, software and tools. IBM also said it would release the main specifications for the Power-based Cell processor, which it developed with Sony and Toshiba. The Power.org meeting came a few days after Apple announced that it will phase out PowerPC chips from its Macintosh computers and switch to Intel processors instead. The timing was unfortunate for IBM and did little to promote its message that Power is a chip for all systems, from supercomputers to PCs and handheld devices.
机译:IBM希望为其Power处理器提供与Linux一样的帮助:创建一个更大的市场,许多供应商可以参与其中,并在此过程中为IBM赚取更多的钱。在本月早些时候在巴塞罗那举行的一次活动中,该公司宣布有11个新成员加入了Power.org。该组织于12月成立,旨在开发基于Power的芯片,系统,软件和工具的组织。 IBM还表示将发布与索尼和东芝共同开发的基于Power的Cell处理器的主要规格。苹果在几天前宣布将淘汰其Macintosh计算机中的PowerPC芯片并改为使用英特尔处理器之后,召开了Power.org会议。时机对于IBM来说是不幸的,并且几乎没有传达其信息,即Power是适用于从超级计算机到PC和手持设备的所有系统的芯片。



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