首页> 外文期刊>Multimedia Tools and Applications >Study of profit model of web-dramas on portal sites using big data; Focused on the Web-dramas with the K-pop Singers as the Lead Casts: 'EXO, Next Door' and 'I Order You'

Study of profit model of web-dramas on portal sites using big data; Focused on the Web-dramas with the K-pop Singers as the Lead Casts: 'EXO, Next Door' and 'I Order You'

机译:利用大数据研究门户网站上的网络剧的盈利模式;专注于以K-pop歌手作为主角的网络电视剧:“ EXO,隔壁”和“我为您订购”

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The age of direct-to-consumer when an audience directly becomes consumer has arrived due to the rapid popularizaton of smartphones. Web-dramas market, the representative part of the D2C age, has expanded mainly based on portal sites. Especially a web-drama, , has gone over about 16 million views, with high expectation of being exported overseas. This report shall analyze the factors in success of web-drama utilizing Big Data from both the domestic and international portal sites. The yearly viewing numbers of the shows watched on PC's and mobile devices will be extracted, along with the related keywords that were brought to attention together with the show. Finally, the profit model of the web-drama will be constructed; the main methods for profit model of web-drama are paid service, ad revenue, and corporate investment or partnership. This work will also suggest 'M-Commerce,' a product placement method which is an expansion of T-Commerce. M-commerce profit model in foreign exports henceforth has tremendous practical value as a business model that can bring in additional profitability. Such a concept can become a strong selling point to investors. The combination of webdramas of various subjects and M-Commerce can function as a stage for new competent actors, songwriters, and directors, while providing a novel profit model that can grow with the PPL products.
机译:由于智能手机的迅速普及,观众直接成为消费者的直接面向消费者的时代已经到来。网络戏剧市场是D2C时代的代表部分,主要基于门户网站进行了扩展。尤其是网络电影《 Exo,Next Door》,已经浏览了约1600万次观看,并期望将其出口到海外。该报告将分析利用来自国内外门户网站的大数据进行网络戏剧成功的因素。将提取在PC和移动设备上观看的节目的年度观看次数,以及与该节目一起引起注意的相关关键字。最后,将构建网络戏剧的利润模型;网络戏剧盈利模型的主要方法是付费服务,广告收入以及公司投资或合伙关系。这项工作还将建议“ M-Commerce”,这是一种产品放置方法,是T-Commerce的扩展。今后,外贸出口中的M-Commerce利润模型作为可以带来额外利润的商业模型具有巨大的实用价值。这样的概念可能成为投资者的卖点。各种主题的网络剧集和M-Commerce的结合可以充当新的有能力的演员,词曲作者和导演的舞台,同时提供可以随PPL产品一起发展的新颖盈利模式。



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