首页> 外文期刊>Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on >Modeling Flickr Communities Through Probabilistic Topic-Based Analysis

Modeling Flickr Communities Through Probabilistic Topic-Based Analysis


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With the increased presence of digital imaging devices, there also came an explosion in the amount of multimedia content available online. Users have transformed from passive consumers of media into content creators and have started organizing themselves in and around online communities. Flickr has more than 30 million users and over 3 billion photos, and many of them are tagged and public. One very important aspect in Flickr is the ability of users to organize in self-managed communities called groups. This paper examines an unexplored problem, which is jointly analyzing Flickr groups and users. We show that although users and groups are conceptually different, in practice they can be represented in a similar way via a bag-of-tags derived from their photos, which is amenable for probabilistic topic modeling. We then propose a probabilistic topic model representation learned in an unsupervised manner that allows the discovery of similar users and groups beyond direct tag-based strategies, and we demonstrate that higher-level information such as topics of interest are a viable alternative. On a dataset containing users of 10 000 Flickr groups and over 1 milion photos, we show how this common topic-based representation allows for a novel analysis of the groups-users Flickr ecosystem, which results into new insights about the structure of the entities in this social media source. We demonstrate novel practical applications of our topic-based representation, such as similarity-based exploration of entities, or single and multi-topic tag-based search, which address current limitations in the ways Flickr is used today.
机译:随着数字成像设备的出现,在线上可用的多媒体内容也呈爆炸式增长。用户已经从被动的媒体消费者转变为内容创建者,并开始在在线社区内部和周围进行组织。 Flickr拥有超过3000万用户和超过30亿张照片,其中许多都是经过标记和公开的。 Flickr中一个非常重要的方面是用户在称为群组的自我管理社区中进行组织的能力。本文研究了一个尚未探索的问题,该问题正在联合分析Flickr组和用户。我们显示,尽管用户和组在概念上是不同的,但实际上,可以通过类似的方式通过从他们的照片派生出的标记袋来表示他们,这适合概率主题建模。然后,我们提出了一种以无监督方式学习的概率主题模型表示,该模型表示可以发现基于直接标签的策略之外的类似用户和组,并且我们证明了诸如感兴趣主题之类的高级信息是可行的选择。在包含10 000个Flickr组用户和超过100万张照片的数据集上,我们展示了这种基于主题的常见表示方式如何对组用户Flickr生态系统进行了新颖的分析,从而得出了有关实体结构的新见解。这个社交媒体资源。我们演示了基于主题的表示形式的新颖实际应用,例如基于相似度的实体探索,或基于单个和多主题标签的搜索,它们解决了当今Flickr使用方式的局限性。



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