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Content Marketing World looks at the significance of linguistics in brand strategy

机译:Content Marketing World着眼于语言学在品牌策略中的重要性

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Content Marketing World is a three-day conference hosted by the Content Marketing Institute. This year, the event took place in Cleveland, Ohio, September 8-11. The tracks at the conference encompassed a host of topics, from content creation to process and workflow, with a number of panels and keynote speakers throughout. The global content marketing track focused on the ways marketers can adapt their message to target the right audience when doing business globally. For marketers, making content culturally relevant, appropriate and accurate is about maintaining a consistent brand image. Why? Because what you say is just as important as what you do. How do brands accomplish this global consistency? Kathleen Pierce, director for content operations with Illumina, shared in her session "How Global Content Marketing Threatens Your Brand" that managing global content comes down to maintaining people, company processes and systems in order to share the resource of marketing. Making all three work together, she argued, will create a clear and uncluttered brand message in every foreign office. "Localization always improves the whole company, because brands are the sum of all touch points," said Pierce.
机译:内容营销世界是由内容营销学院主办的为期三天的会议。今年,该活动于9月8日至11日在俄亥俄州克利夫兰举行。会议的主题包括从内容创建到流程和工作流的一系列主题,整个过程中都有许多小组和主题演讲者。全球内容营销活动的重点是营销人员在全球开展业务时如何调整其信息以定位合适的受众。对于营销人员而言,使内容具有文化相关性,适当性和准确性是要保持一致的品牌形象。为什么?因为你说的话和你所做的一样重要。品牌如何实现这种全球一致性? Illumina内容运营总监Kathleen Pierce在她的“全球内容营销如何威胁您的品牌”会议上分享了管理全球内容归结为维护人员,公司流程和系统以共享营销资源。她认为,将这三个因素放在一起工作,将在每个外国办事处创造清晰,整洁的品牌信息。皮尔斯说:“本地化始终可以改善整个公司,因为品牌是所有接触点的总和。”



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