首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Biology and Evolution >Adaptive Loss of an Old Duplicated Gene During Incipient Speciation

Adaptive Loss of an Old Duplicated Gene During Incipient Speciation


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To probe the role of natural selection in species origin, we performed a DNA polymorphism survey of the Drosophila melanogaster desaturase2 (ds2) locus. ds2 is responsible for a cuticular hydrocarbon difference between two behaviorally isolated races—Zimbabwe (Z) and Cosmopolitan (M). The ds2 allele prevalent in the Z populations is functional, while the allele from the M populations harbors a 16-bp deletion upstream of the gene which knocks out its expression. We find a signature of positive selection in the ds2 promoter, but not in the control gene, sas. This signature appears to be confined to the derived M population. We also find that the selection has been recent because the gene retains a signature of a selective sweep evidenced by the departure of Fay and Wu's H test from neutral expectation. We also find that ds2, as well as its duplicate pair ds1, has been maintained in the Drosophila genus for at least 40 Myr without any sign of adaptive change. Taken together with previous molecular genetic evidence, our results suggest that ds2 is one of the genes responsible for adaptive divergence of the Z and M races of D. melanogaster.
机译:为了探究自然选择在物种起源中的作用,我们对果蝇果蝇去饱和酶2(ds2)基因座进行了DNA多态性调查。 ds2导致两个行为隔离的种族(津巴布韦(Z)和世界性(M))之间的表皮碳氢化合物差异。 Z群体中普遍存在的ds2等位基因是有功能的,而M群体中的等位基因在基因上游具有16 bp的缺失,可敲除其表达。我们在ds2启动子中找到了阳性选择的标记,但在对照基因sas中却找不到。此签名似乎仅限于派生的M人口。我们还发现选择是最近的,因为该基因保留了选择性扫除的特征,这由Fay和Wu的H检验偏离中性预期来证明。我们还发现,果蝇属中的ds2及其重复对ds1已维持至少40 Myr,而没有任何适应性变化的迹象。结合以前的分子遗传学证据,我们的结果表明ds2是负责D. melanogaster的Z和M族适应性发散的基因之一。



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