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Mobile Web-Based System for Remote-Controlled Electronic Devices and Smart Objects


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Nowadays there are many intelligent electronic devices in the everyday environments: appliances, industrial machinery, devices for service providers in the cities, etc. These electronic devices usually communicate with other devices and people in order to perform tasks or provide services. The most common form of interaction between people and devices is using the device interfaces (buttons, touch screens, etc.). However, there are other ways of interacting such as Smartphone's, which are used to communicate users with electronic devices. Normally, the user selects the commands or actions from an application installed on the Smartphone. This application uses the Smartphone communication hardware elements (e.g., Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) to send the selected commands to the electronic device. Native mobile applications are platform-dependent (Android, Symbian, etc.) and are developed for multiple platform usually have high development costs. We present a proposal that allows web applications to access the device communication hardware elements, making possible the communication with physical devices.



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