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Personal electronics: Year of the smart phone - Army to lead 12-month look at how soldiers could use mobile devices


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U.S. Army leaders like the idea of equipping soldiers with smart phones but they don't know exactly how they would use the devices. So they are asking soldiers and U.S. industry to show them, through an application-development contest and a series of pilot projects set to be underway by October. The Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), based at Fort Monroe, Va., is organizing the trials and exhibitions of potential smart phone uses, and has invited the other services and major technology agencies to participate on an evaluation panel. ARCIC plans to use Apple iPhones, Google Android-powered competitors and Microsoft Windows Mobile phones in this research. Others will decide which model or models of phone to adopt, whether iPhones, BlackBerries or others.
机译:美国陆军领导人喜欢为士兵配备智能手机的想法,但他们并不确切知道他们将如何使用这些设备。因此,他们要求士兵和美国工业界通过应用程序开发竞赛和一系列试点项目向他们展示它们,该项目将于10月开始。设在弗吉尼亚州门罗堡的陆军能力整合中心(ARCIC)正在组织潜在的智能手机用途的试验和展览,并邀请了其他部门和主要技术机构参加评估小组。 ARCIC计划在这项研究中使用Apple iPhone,由Google Android驱动的竞争对手和Microsoft Windows Mobile手机。其他人将决定采用哪种型号的电话,无论是iPhone,BlackBerries还是其他型号。



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