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A Context-Aware Multi-Agent System as a Middleware for Ambient Intelligence


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There is currently a lot of work in Ambient Intelligence—or AmI—reporting on specific scenarios, or on implementations of particular cases. In the same time, there is a common agreement of the fact that AmI applications should be pervasive, covering a large number of devices, assisting a large number of people, and serving a large number of purposes. In an attempt to achieve scalable scenarios and implementations, we have focused our research on the development of a generic middleware layer for the context-aware transfer and exchange of information between devices. This paper presents a model for a such middleware, based on software agents, in which context-awareness is implemented both in the agent’s representation of context information, and in the logical topology of the agent system. The model is oriented towards decentralization of the system and relies mostly on local behavior. The paper also reports on several proof-of-concept applications that have been developed and tested using the proposed model, proving thus the validity of the approach.
机译:当前,Ambient Intelligence(或AmI)中有很多工作要针对特定​​方案或特定案例的实现进行报告。同时,人们普遍同意以下事实:AmI应用程序应无处不在,应覆盖大量设备,为大量人员提供帮助并达到许多目的。为了实现可扩展的方案和实现,我们将研究重点放在了通用中间件层的开发上,以便在设备之间进行上下文感知的信息传递和交换。本文提出了一种基于软件代理的中间件模型,其中在代理的上下文信息表示形式和代理系统的逻辑拓扑中都实现了上下文意识。该模型面向系统的分散性,并且主要依赖于本地行为。本文还报告了已使用建议的模型开发和测试的几种概念验证应用程序,从而证明了该方法的有效性。



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