首页> 外文期刊>Mind & society >The social transmission of choice: a simulation with applications to hegemonic discourse

The social transmission of choice: a simulation with applications to hegemonic discourse


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From a sociological perspective, Rational Choice Theory neglects an important question: How do agents come to conceptualise choices as they do? In particular, agents not only communicate about their choices and resulting outcomes but also draw attention to options unconsidered by others. This paper presents an agent-based simulation in which different kinds of information about choices are transmitted. This approach also provides a concrete model for certain aspects of "hegemonic discourse". In standard Rational Choice where options are common knowledge, all actors with the same preferences should make the same decisions. By contrast if information is transmitted socially, the concerns of a majority may reduce the ability of a minority to choose options appropriate to them even without any exercise of coercion or discrimination.
机译:从社会学的角度来看,理性选择理论忽略了一个重要的问题:主体如何像他们那样将选择概念化?尤其是,代理人不仅要交流他们的选择和结果,还要引起人们对其他人未考虑的选择的关注。本文提出了一种基于智能体的模拟,其中传输有关选择的各种信息。这种方法还为“霸权话语”的某些方面提供了具体模型。在标准的Rational Choice中,选项是常识,所有具有相同偏好的参与者都应做出相同的决定。相反,如果信息是通过社会传播的,则即使没有任何胁迫或歧视,多数人的关注也会降低少数人选择适合他们的选项的能力。



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