
Prostate Cancer


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About one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, treatment of this disease can be effective when it is diagnosed early. By Rear Adm. Joyce Johnson, D.O. More than 200,000 men in the U.S. each year learn they have prostate cancer (two-thirds of them are over age 65), and more than 30,000 men die each year from prostate cancer, which ranks second (behind lung cancer) among all cancers in men. This is a tragedy, because with screening, prostate cancer often can be diagnosed early, before there are noticeable symptoms and when it is most easily and effectively treated. There are two screening tests for prostate cancer. A digital rectal exam involves a health provider inserting his or her gloved and lubricated finger into the rectum and feeling the prostate for lumps or growths. The prostate is about the size of a walnut, located in the lower pelvis in front of the rectum and under the urinary bladder. Normally smooth and firm, its surface can change if large tumors are present.
机译:大约六分之一的男性将被诊断出患有前列腺癌。幸运的是,尽早诊断出对这种疾病的治疗是有效的。 D.O.后海军上将乔伊斯·约翰逊在美国,每年有超过200,000名男性罹患前列腺癌(其中三分之二都超过65岁),每年死于前列腺癌的男性超过30,000名,在所有癌症中位居第二(仅次于肺癌)男人们这是一个悲剧,因为通过筛查,通常可以在出现明显症状之前以及最容易有效地治疗前列腺癌时及早诊断出前列腺癌。有两种前列腺癌筛查测试。直肠数字检查涉及健康提供者,将他或她戴着手套和润滑的手指插入直肠,并感觉到前列腺有肿块或生长。前列腺大约相当于核桃的大小,位于直肠前方的下部骨盆和膀胱下方。通常存在光滑而牢固的表面,如果存在大的肿瘤,其表面会发生变化。



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