首页> 外文期刊>Meat Science >Identification and Characterization of Pigs Prone to Producing 'RSE' (Reddish-Pink, Soft and Exudative) Meat in Normal Pigs

Identification and Characterization of Pigs Prone to Producing 'RSE' (Reddish-Pink, Soft and Exudative) Meat in Normal Pigs

机译:易于在普通猪中产生“ RSE”(红粉红色,软和渗出性)肉的猪的鉴定和表征

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RES (reddish-pink, soft and exudative) meat was investigated using pigs of three different halothane genotypes. A significantly lower pH_1h value was observed in RSE compared with that of RFN (red, firm and non-exudative) meat, both of which have values higher than 6.0 at 1 hr post-mortem. Drip loss (/100) in RSE-meat was ≥ 7/100, which was twice that of RFN-meat. Normal values for fibre optic probe and Minolta L and a were observed for RSE-meat. RSE-meat could be derived for mNN and Nn pigs. And its formation could be Induced from RFN-prone pigs by poor post-slaughter management.
机译:使用三种不同氟烷基因型的猪对RES(红粉,软和渗出)肉进行了研究。与RFN(红色,坚硬和非渗出性)肉相比,RSE中观察到的pH_1h值明显更低,这两个值在死后1小时均高于6.0。 RSE肉的滴水损失(/ 100)≥7/100,是RFN肉的两倍。观察到RSE肉的光纤探针和Minolta L的正常值以及a。 RSE肉可用于mNN和Nn猪。屠宰后管理不善可能是由R​​FN高发猪诱导的。



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