首页> 外文期刊>Mathematics and computers in simulation >E-training in mechatronics using innovative remote laboratory

E-training in mechatronics using innovative remote laboratory


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This paper describes a novel E-training developed for teaching mechatronics. The training has been developed as part of the Leonardo da Vinci lifelong learning programs and MeRLab project (Innovative Remote Laboratory in the E-training of Mechatronics). The primary target group are engineers or technicians who have already completed formal education in the field of mechanical, electrical engineering or other technical fields, but have no knowledge of mechatronics, although their job requires it. For the training, special E-learning platform has been built in the user friendly environment, which is based on combination of commercial eCampus platform and open-source Moodle platform. The complete materials with the animations, graphical presentations, tests and the utilities such as discussion forums are offered. In addition to E-learning materials, the remote laboratory experiments are also available. The training has been executed with a group of 70 participants from Slovenia and second group of 6 participants from Austria. 90% of participants have successfully finished this quite extensive training. Results of anonymous survey show that they have evaluated the training as excellent and think that the gained knowledge will be useful in their further career.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于机电一体化教学的新型电子培训。培训是作为达芬奇终身学习计划和MeRLab项目(机电一体化电子培训中的创新远程实验室)的一部分开发的。主要目标群体是已经在机械,电气工程或其他技术领域完成正规教育但对机电一体化知识不了解的工程师或技术人员,尽管他们的工作需要这样做。为了进行培训,基于商业eCampus平台和开源Moodle平台的结合,在用户友好的环境中构建了特殊的电子学习平台。提供了完整的材料,包括动画,图形演示,测试和实用程序,例如论坛。除了电子学习材料,还可以进行远程实验室实验。培训已经由来自斯洛文尼亚的70名参与者和来自奥地利的6名参与者组成。 90%的参与者已成功完成了这一相当广泛的培训。匿名调查的结果表明,他们将培训评估为出色,并认为所获得的知识将对他们的进一步职业有用。



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