首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical notes >The Basis Property of Ultraspherical Jacobi Polynomials in a Weighted Lebesgue Space with Variable Exponent

The Basis Property of Ultraspherical Jacobi Polynomials in a Weighted Lebesgue Space with Variable Exponent


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The problem of the basis property of ultraspherical Jacobi polynomials in a Lebesgue space with variable exponent is studied. We obtain sufficient conditions on the variable exponent p(x) > 1 that guarantee the uniform boundedness of the sequence S_n~(α,α)(f), n = 0,1,..., of Fourier sums with respect to the ultraspherical Jacobi polynomials P_k~(α,α)(x) in the weighted Lebesgue space L_μ~(p(x)([-1, 1]) with weight μ = μ(x) = (1 - x~2)~α where α > -1/2. The case α = -1/2 is studied separately. It is shown that, for the uniform boundedness of the sequence S_n~(-1/2,-1/2)(f), n = 0,1,..., of Fourier-Chebyshev sums in the space L_μ~(p(x)) ([-1,1]) with μ(x) = (1 - x~2)~(-1/2), it suffices and, in a certain sense, necessary that the variable exponent p satisfy the Dini-Lipschitz condition of the form |p(x) -p(y)| ≤ d/(-ln|x-y|),where |x - y| ≤1/2, x,y∈[-1,1], d > 0, and the condition p(x) > 1 for all x ∈ [-1,1].
机译:研究了具有可变指数的LEBESGUE空间中超大雅各比多项式的基础特性的问题。我们在可变指数p(x)> 1上获得足够的条件,其保证序列S_n〜(α,α)(f),n = 0,1,...,相对于傅立叶总和的均匀界限在重量μ=μ(x)=(1 - x〜2)=(1 - x〜2)=(1 - x〜2)=(1 - x〜2)〜(1 - x〜2)〜(1 - x〜2)〜(1 - x〜2)〜 α在其中α> -1/2。壳体α= -1/2分别研究。表明,对于序列S_n〜(-1 / 2,-1 / 2)(f)的均匀有界性, n = 0,1,......,空间L_μ〜(p(x))(p(x))(x)=(1 - x〜2)〜( - 1/2),它足以,在某种意义上,可变指数P满足于形式的Dini-Lipschitz条件(x)-p(y)|≤d/( - ln | xy |) ,其中所有x≠[-1,1]的条件p(x)> 1的情况下,其中x - y |≤1/ 2,x,y∈[-1,1],d> 0和条件p(x)> 1。



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