首页> 外文期刊>Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering KYUSHU University >Application of Magnetotelluric Method to Takigami Geothermal Field in Kyushu, Japan

Application of Magnetotelluric Method to Takigami Geothermal Field in Kyushu, Japan


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The Takigami geothermal area is located in the Hohi geothermal region, northeastern Kyushu Island, Japan. This paper demonstrates the application of magnetotelluric (MT) method for geothermal investigation in the Takigami area to determine the subsurface resistivity structure, which is correlated to the promising geothermal reservoir and the distribution of fault systems and geological trends. Advanced interpretation techniques of one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) inversions were used for data interpretation to derive a new insight of the geothermal system in the Takigami area. The resistivity section obtained by 1-D inversion of a survey line (Line-1: southwest-northeast direction) was compared with electrical resistivity logs of several wells drilled in the same direction. The resistivity structure shows a good correlation to geothermal reservoirs in the area. The 2-D inversion result of the same line (Line-1) was also compared with the temperature logs and lost circulation data obtained during the drilling operations. The result shows a good agreement among them. It is concluded based on the MT sounding survey that the geothermal reservoir of the Takigami area is separated by the Noine fault at different depths. The geothermal reservoir in the east of the Noine fault is shallower than the reservoir in the west. The results of MT survey are in a good agreement with a three-dimensional (3-D) geological model constructed by the use of drilling data and well logging data in the Takigami area.
机译:aki神地热区位于日本九州岛东北部的肥喜地热区。本文证明了大地电磁法在the上地区确定地下电阻率结构中的应用,这与有希望的地热储层以及断层系统的分布和地质趋势有关。使用一维(1-D)和二维(2-D)反演的先进解释技术进行数据解释,以期获得T上地区地热系统的新见解。将通过测量线(线1:西南-东北方向)的一维反演获得的电阻率段与沿相同方向钻的几口井的电阻率测井结果进行了比较。电阻率结构与该地区的地热储层具有良好的相关性。还将同一条生产线(1号线)的二维反演结果与钻井过程中获得的温度记录和漏失数据进行了比较。结果表明它们之间具有良好的一致性。根据MT测深得出的结论是,aki神地区的地热储层在不同深度被Noine断层隔开。 Noine断层以东的地热储层比西部的储层浅。 MT勘测的结果与通过使用Takigami地区的钻探数据和测井数据构建的三维(3-D)地质模型非常吻合。



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