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Net Promoter, Recommendations, and Business Performance: A Clarification on Morgan and Rego


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One of the most controversial findings in Morgan and Rego (2006) was that two widely advocated loyalty metrics, "Net Promoter" and "Number of Recommendations," have little or no value in predicting the financial outcomes of firms. We argue that neither measure was actually examined and that conclusions about the predictive value of these measures cannot be drawn from their analysis. A primary problem is that the measures used in Morgan and Rego (2006) do not adequately adjust for the presence of neutral word-of-mouth activity. Nevertheless, Morgan and Rego (2006) provide important information regarding other common customer metrics and firm financial outcomes. We are unaware of another longitudinal study that examines the predictive value of satisfaction and loyalty metrics in such a comprehensive way.
机译:Morgan和Rego(2006)中最有争议的发现之一是,被广泛倡导的忠诚度指标“ Net Promoter”和“ Number of Recommendations”在预测公司的财务结果方面几乎没有价值。我们认为,实际上没有检查过任何一项措施,因此无法从其分析中得出有关这些措施的预测价值的结论。一个主要问题是,Morgan和Rego(2006)中使用的措施无法针对中性口碑活动的存在进行适当调整。尽管如此,Morgan和Rego(2006)提供了有关其他常见客户指标和公司财务业绩的重要信息。我们没有意识到另一项纵向研究以如此全面的方式检验满意度和忠诚度指标的预测价值。



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