首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Pollution by polychlorinated biphenyls in an estuary of the Gulf of California. Their toxicity and bioaccumulation in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

Pollution by polychlorinated biphenyls in an estuary of the Gulf of California. Their toxicity and bioaccumulation in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei


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Pollution by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is a problem occurring in many aquatic ecosystems, particularly those close to industrialized areas; their toxic effects on fauna are well documented (Colburn et al., 1990; Libes, 1992). Sinaloa, Mexico is located on the east coast of the Gulf of California. Electric power plants and other industries are located there and may be sources of PCBs. The white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei is caught and cultured along the Sinaloa coast; 80-85% of their production is exported to Europe and USA. Recently, several pathologies and, in some cases, massive mortalities have been reported in shrimp resulting in economic losses. Several causes have been reported for these problems: use of uncertified larvae, inadequate management of hatcheries, pollution by wastewater, and effects of pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, and PCBs (Alduenda et al., 1985; Galindo, 1987, 1997; Galindo et al., 1999). We considered it important to investigate levels of PCBs in the estuary "Estero de Urias". No previous studies of PCBs have been made in this estuary. Finally, effects of PCBs on L. vannamei were evaluated since few reports of PCBs effects exist.
机译:在许多水生生态系统中,特别是在靠近工业化地区的那些水生生态系统中,多氯联苯的污染是一个问题。它们对动物的毒性作用已有充分文献记载(Colburn等,1990; Libes,1992)。墨西哥锡那罗亚州位于加利福尼亚湾的东海岸。发电厂和其他行业位于那儿,可能是多氯联苯的来源。白色虾对虾凡纳滨对虾在锡那罗亚州海岸捕捞和养殖。他们的生产的80-85%出口到欧洲和美国。近来,已经报道虾的几种病状,在某些情况下还包括大量死亡,造成经济损失。已报告了这些问题的多种原因:未认证幼虫的使用,孵化场管理不当,废水污染以及农药,石油碳氢化合物和多氯联苯的影响(Alduenda等,1985; Galindo,1987,1997; Galindo等。 (1999年)。我们认为调查“ Estero de Urias”河口中的PCB含量很重要。在此河口之前尚未进行过PCB的研究。最后,由于几乎没有关于多氯联苯影响的报道,因此评估了多氯联苯对南美白对虾的影响。



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