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irouping reduces the metabolic demand of a social squid


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Many squids are social cephalopods and demonstrate exceptionally high metabolic rates. However, all prior investigations of metabolism in social cephalopods have utilized individual animals. We measured oxygen consumption of the social squid Doryteuthis opalescens both in groups and with solitary individuals to examine the influence of grouping on energy demand and performance under hypoxic conditions. On average, the presence of conspecifics reduced routine metabolic rate by 21% but did not influence the critical oxygen partial pressure below which a stable rate of oxygen uptake is not maintained. In addition, displays of chromatic behaviors associated with relaxation were observed more frequently in groups, whereas behaviors associated with stress or vigilance were observed more frequently in solitary individuals. We hypothesize that through a potential reduction in energy consumption, grouping may be relevant in allowing social squids to exploit habitats with marginal oxygen availability that may impose a physiological constraint.
机译:许多鱿鱼是社会性头足类动物,并具有极高的新陈代谢率。然而,所有先前关于社会头足类动物代谢的研究都利用了个体动物。我们测量了集体鱿鱼和孤独个体的鱿鱼Doryteuthis opalescens的耗氧量,以研究分组对缺氧条件下能量需求和性能的影响。平均而言,同种异体的存在将常规代谢率降低了21%,但并未影响临界氧分压,低于该临界氧分压,则不能保持稳定的摄氧速率。此外,在群体中观察到与放松相关的色行为的频率更高,而在孤独个体中观察到与压力或警觉相关的行为的频率更高。我们假设,通过潜在地减少能源消耗,分组可能与允许社交鱿鱼利用具有有限氧气供应量(可能施加生理限制)的栖息地有关。



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