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Radiation effects along a UV-B gradient on species composition and diversity of a shallow-water macrobenthic community in the western Baltic


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Although the 'intermediate disturbance hypothesis' (IDH) was originally postulated for marine hard-bottom communities, it has rarely been tested for this community type. We experimentally examined the effects of ambient plus artificially enhanced UV-B radiation (eUV-BR) along an intensity gradient on the abundance of individual species, species composition, and diversity of a macrobenthic community in the western Baltic, Germany. Plots were either exposed each day for 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 h to the maximum expected future UV-BR or were left untreated (= ambient irradiance). Species recruitment and succession on artificial substrata were followed for 5 mo. Transient unimodal patterns for species richness and diversity H' were produced along the UV-BR gradient early in succession. The density of the competitively superior mussel Mytilus edulis and the abundance of the foliose green alga Ulvopsis grevillei were positively related to UV-BR exposure! suggesting conditions different from those predicted by the IDH-generated unimodal patterns. Protective shading of substratum by U. grevillei and the resultant mitigation of the UV-BR impact for succeeding colonizers may be important in this context. Species composition differed persistently among eUV-BR treatments. In contrast to mussels and U. grevillei, the abundance of red algae was adversely affected by eUV-BR along the disturbance gradient. Our results suggest that expected future UV-BR levels will have limited influence on the diversity of shallow-water macrobenthic fouling assemblages in the western Baltic, whereas their species composition may be affected over longer periods.
机译:尽管“中间干扰假设”(IDH)最初是针对海洋硬底群落而提出的,但很少针对这种群落类型进行过测试。我们通过实验研究了环境强度加上人工增强的UV-B辐射(eUV-BR)沿强度梯度对德国波罗的海西部大型底栖动物群落的物种,物种组成和多样性的丰度。每天将样地暴露于最大预期未来UV-BR中0.5、1、2、4和8小时,或者不进行处理(=环境辐照度)。进行了5个月的人工基底上的物种募集和演替。沿UV-BR梯度相继产生了物种丰富度和多样性H'的瞬态单峰模式。竞争优势的贻贝贻贝的密度和叶藻绿藻Ulvopsis grevillei的丰度与UV-BR暴露呈正相关!建议的条件不同于IDH生成的单峰模式所预测的条件。在这种情况下,U。grevillei对基质的保护性遮蔽以及由此产生的减轻UV-BR的影响对于随后的定居者可能是重要的。在eUV-BR处理之间,物种组成持续存在差异。与贻贝和U. grevillei不同,eUV-BR沿干扰梯度对红藻的丰度产生了不利影响。我们的结果表明,预期的未来UV-BR水平将对波罗的海西部浅水大型底栖污垢组合的多样性产生有限的影响,而其物种组成可能会受到较长时期的影响。



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