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Kairós and Clinamen: Revolutionary Politics and the Common Good


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This article sets out to offer a new reconceptualisation of the common good as the mechanism providing the temporal coordinates for revolutionary politics. The first section investigates the pairing of commonality and goodness, revealing its nature as a synthesis of apparently irreconcilable opposites. The second section examines how this irreconcilability is overcome, advancing the argument that to heal the divide, a double movement of definition and concealment is necessary, whereby the process of definition of what constitutes the common good is accompanied by an expropriation, or hollowing out, of meaning. The third section offers a proposal for overcoming this epistemological impasse about the nature of the common good, by contrasting chronos and kairós, chronological time and what in English can be translated as ‘opportune time’, and offering kairós as the chance to create, within the fissures of the totalitarianism of chronological time, the timescape for revolutionary politics. This proposal is carried on in the second part of this article, starting with ‘ Chronos and Kairós ’ section, where the concept of kairós is expanded upon and coupled with the Epicurean and Lucretian idea of the clinamen, the swerve of the atoms that introduces the element of chance against Democritean determinism. With the support of Antonio Negri’s reading of kairós and clinamen, the article argues in ‘Alma Venus: Love, Desire and Revolution’ section that these two concepts provide the spatial and temporal coordinates for revolutionary politics, in tension and critical engagement with Ackerman’s idea of constitutional moments, to conclude in ‘Conclusions: Kairós and Revolutionary Politics’ section, that the common good is to be defined as that which takes place and is identified/identifiable within these coordinates.
机译:本文着手为公共利益提供新的重新概念化,作为为革命政治提供时间坐标的机制。第一部分研究了共性和善良的对,揭示了其本质是明显不可调和的对立物的综合。第二部分探讨了如何克服这种不可调和的问题,提出了这样的论点,即要弥合鸿沟,就必须对定义和隐藏进行双重移动,在此过程中,构成共同利益的定义过程伴随着被征用或挖空,意义。第三部分提出了一个建议,通过比较年代和开斋节,年代顺序时间以及英语中可以翻译为“适时时间”的东西,并克服开斋节作为创造机会的可能性,克服关于共同利益本质的认识论僵局。时间顺序极权主义的裂缝,革命政治的时空。该建议在本文的第二部分中进行,从“ Chronos andKairós”部分开始,在此部分中,对kairós的概念进行了扩展,并结合了伊壁鸠鲁人和卢克雷德人的clinamen概念,即引入原子的弧度。反对民主决定论的机会因素。在安东尼奥·内格里(Antonio Negri)对凯洛斯和克林门人的解读的支持下,文章在“阿拉木图:爱,欲望和革命”部分中指出,这两个概念为革命政治提供了时空坐标,与阿克曼的政治思想处于紧张和批判性联系中。在“结论:凯洛斯与革命政治”部分中总结的宪政时刻,将共同利益定义为在这些坐标内发生的,可识别的/可识别的利益。



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