首页> 外文期刊>Language Awareness >L2 learners' interpretation and understanding of written corrective feedback: insights from their metalinguistic reflections

L2 learners' interpretation and understanding of written corrective feedback: insights from their metalinguistic reflections


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The impact written corrective feedback (WCF) has on second language development is still a subject of much debate. While some believe it leads to improvement, others are more sceptical. But in order for WCF to lead to second language improvement, learners must first be able to not only correctly interpret the WCF but also understand the linguistic information provided through this feedback. The study reported in this article was designed to look at English as a second language (ESL) learners' verbalisations about language produced immediately after revising their texts. Forty-nine (n = 49) high school French-speaking learners produced four texts over a four-month period. Two types of WCF (direct, providing the correct form above or next to the error and indirect, indicating that an error was produced by underlining it) were alternatively used when correcting the texts in order to create balanced conditions. After revising their corrected text, participants completed a questionnaire. Their answers were coded by creating semantic categories and an interrater agreement was calculated. The results show that although the participants understood the WCF they received, some corrections nevertheless led to erroneous hypotheses about the intent of the correction. Additionally, there appear to be differences in the participants' verbalisations according to the feedback received.
机译:书面纠正反馈(WCF)对第二语言发展的影响仍然是许多争论的主题。尽管有些人相信这会带来改善,但另一些人则持怀疑态度。但是,为了使WCF导致第二语言的改进,学习者必须首先不仅能够正确解释WCF,而且还能够理解通过此反馈提供的语言信息。本文报道的研究旨在研究英语作为第二语言(ESL)学习者对修订其文本后立即产生的语言的动词。四十九名(n = 49)高中法语学习者在四个月的时间内制作了四篇课文。纠正文本以创建平衡条件时,可以交替使用两种WCF(直接的WCF,在错误的上方或旁边提供正确的格式,以及间接的WCF,指示错误是通过加下划线引起的)。在修改其更正的文本后,参与者填写了一份问卷。通过创建语义类别对他们的答案进行编码,并计算出人际协议。结果表明,尽管参与者理解了他们收到的WCF,但是一些更正仍然导致关于更正意图的错误假设。此外,根据收到的反馈,参与者的语言表达似乎有所不同。



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