首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会计画論文集 >Composition of Outside Volumes and Rooms In Contemporary Japanese Houses Architectural composition of contemporary Japanese houses in terms Of relation between interior and exterior

Composition of Outside Volumes and Rooms In Contemporary Japanese Houses Architectural composition of contemporary Japanese houses in terms Of relation between interior and exterior


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This study's aim is to clarify the spatial composition of Japanese contemporary houses in terms of relationship between outside volumes and inside rooms. Outside form are analyzed in three levels of composition; size, topological relationship and roof shape of each volume. Spatial arrangement is analyzed in two levels of composition; topological relationship of rooms, and characteristics of circulation path of these rooms. Comparing the types of composition, rhetoric of composition are found; en- tirety by the size and circulation path of main room, ambiguity in size between interior and exterior and fragmentation of main room.



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