首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vocational behavior >The role of job resources in the relation between perceived employability and turnover intention: A prospective two-sample study

The role of job resources in the relation between perceived employability and turnover intention: A prospective two-sample study


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We hypothesize that the relationship between perceived employability (PE) and turnover intention is stronger when job resources (job control, social support from the supervisor and colleagues) are low. Results from a prospective study one year apart were similar in samples of Finnish university (N= 1314) and hospital workers (N = 308). The interaction between PE and job control related significantly to turnover intention at Time 2 in both samples, and in the hospital sample also when controlling for turnover intention at Time 1: PE related positively to turnover intention when job control was low. Furthermore, PE at Time 1 was not significantly related and job resources at Time 1 were negatively related to turnover intention at Time 2. For social support from colleagues in particular, this relationship held when controlling for Time 1 turnover intention. Thus, PE does not present a risk of turnover intention, unless job control is low.
机译:我们假设当工作资源(工作控制,主管和同事的社会支持)低时,可感知的就业能力(PE)与离职意图之间的关系更强。芬兰大学(N = 1314)和医院工作人员(N = 308)的样本之间相隔一年的前瞻性研究结果相似。在两个样本中,PE和工作控制之间的交互作用均与时间2的离职意图显着相关,在医院样本中,当在时间1控制离职意图时,PE也与工作控制低时的离职意图成正相关。此外,时间1的体育活动与时间2的离职意图没有显着相关,时间1的工作资源与时间2的离职意图负相关。特别是在同事的社会支持下,这种关系在控制时间1的离职意图时保持不变。因此,除非工作控制程度低,否则PE不会出现流失意图的风险。



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