首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films >Origin of electrical signals for plasma etching end point detection: Comparison of end point signals and electron density

Origin of electrical signals for plasma etching end point detection: Comparison of end point signals and electron density


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Electrical signals are used for end point detection in plasma etching, but the origin of the electrical changes observed at end point is not well understood. As an etch breaks through one layer and exposes an underlayer, the fluxes and densities of etch products and reactants in the gas phase will change. The resulting perturbation in gas composition may alter the plasma electron density, which in turn may affect the electrical signals. Alternatively, changes in substrate electrical properties or surface properties, such as work function or emitted electron yield, may be involved. To investigate these effects, experiments were performed in a radio-frequency (rf)-biased, inductively coupled reactor, during CF4/Ar plasma etching of silicon dioxide films on silicon substrates. A complete set of electrical parameters, for the bias as well as the inductive source, was measured and compared. The most useful end point signal was found to be the fundamental rf bias impedance, which decreases when the oxide is removed. A simultaneous increase in plasma electron density was measured by a wave cutoff probe. Analytical sheath models indicate that the measured change in electron density accounts for nearly all of the impedance decrease. The change in electron density can in turn be explained by the effects of etch products or reactants on gas composition. In contrast, electrons emitted from the wafer surface play at most a minor role in the changes in electron density and impedance observed at end point.
机译:电信号用于等离子蚀刻中的终点检测,但是在终点处观察到的电变化的起因尚不清楚。当蚀刻穿透一层并暴露出底层时,气相中蚀刻产物和反应物的通量和密度将发生变化。所产生的气体成分扰动可能会改变等离子体电子密度,进而可能影响电信号。替代地,可以涉及衬底电学性质或表面性质的变化,例如功函数或发射的电子产率。为了研究这些影响,在CF4 / Ar等离子体蚀刻硅基板上的二氧化硅膜的过程中,在射频(rf)偏压的电感耦合反应器中进行了实验。测量并比较了用于偏置以及电感源的一整套电参数。发现最有用的终点信号是基本的射频偏置阻抗,当去除氧化物时该阻抗会减小。通过波截止探针测量了等离子体电子密度的同时增加。护套分析模型表明,测得的电子密度变化几乎导致了所有阻抗下降。电子密度的变化又可以通过蚀刻产物或反应物对气体成分的影响来解释。相反,从晶片表面发射的电子在终点处观察到的电子密度和阻抗的变化中起很小的作用。



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