首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Urban Planning and Development >Reducing Vehicle Travel for the Next Generation: Lessons from the 2001 and 2009 National Household Travel Surveys

Reducing Vehicle Travel for the Next Generation: Lessons from the 2001 and 2009 National Household Travel Surveys


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In the United States, per capita vehicle miles traveled (VMT) displayed a general declining trend in the new millennium. This paper focuses on identifying the factors that drove the recent VMT trend. Using sample data from the 2001 and 2009 National Household Travel Surveys (NHTS), this study investigated differences in travel patterns by age groups over time and explored factors associated with the recent decrease in per-capita VMT. The study results show that the daily auto mileage and number of auto trips significantly decreased in 2009, although the change was uneven across different age groups. Increased travel by public transit and walking and biking, along with urbanization efforts, partly explained the recent decrease in automobile use. The findings also suggest that population-specific strategies such as improving public transit services for younger people and upgrading walking facilities for the elderly may help reduce automobile travel demand. In addition, applications of information and communication technologies (ICTs) can offer promising alternatives to automobile travel. (C) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
机译:在美国,新千年的人均行驶英里数(VMT)呈总体下降趋势。本文着重于确定推动近期VMT趋势的因素。本研究使用2001年和2009年全国家庭旅行调查(NHTS)的样本数据,调查了不同年龄段随时间变化的旅行模式差异,并探讨了与最近人均VMT下降有关的因素。研究结果表明,尽管不同年龄组的变化不均,但2009年的每日汽车行驶里程和汽车出行次数明显减少。公共交通,步行和骑自行车出行的增加以及城市化的努力,部分解释了最近汽车使用量的减少。研究结果还表明,针对特定人群的策略,例如改善年轻人的公共交通服务和改善老年人的步行设施,可能有助于减少汽车出行需求。此外,信息和通信技术(ICT)的应用可以为汽车旅行提供有希望的替代方案。 (C)2017年美国土木工程师学会。



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