首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Transport History >Mobility history from a design historian's perspective The T~2M conference, 2007

Mobility history from a design historian's perspective The T~2M conference, 2007


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The 2007 T~2M conference, held in Helmond, in the Netherlands, on 25-28 October, had as its main theme 'Heritage and Design'. Both terms direct attention at the artefact, and the conference aimed to bring design historians, museum curators and mobility historians together to push the boundaries of interdisciplinarity in those areas. The coincidence of the conference with Dutch Design Week, held in neighbouring Eindhoven, provided an opportunity for the T~2M conference not only to address design history through the papers that were presented but also to host a workshop on the subject of 'The Female Touch in Mobility and Design and its History', held in the Bavaria House in Helmond, and to engage directly with designed artefacts as well by judging an exhibition on car interiors, held in Helmond and participated in by a number of the Netherlands' leading art and design schools. This took the conference into new territory, adding to it an exciting new dimension.
机译:10月25日至28日在荷兰赫尔蒙德举行的2007 T〜2M会议以“遗产与设计”为主题。这两个术语都将注意力直接放在艺术品上,并且会议旨在将设计历史学家,博物馆策展人和流动历史学家召集在一起,以推动这些领域的跨学科界限。会议的召开与在邻近的埃因霍温(Eindhoven)举行的荷兰设计周的巧合,为T〜2M会议提供了一次机会,不仅可以通过发表的论文介绍设计历史,而且可以举办“女性接触”主题研讨会。在赫尔蒙德的巴伐利亚之家举行的“流动性和设计及其历史”中,通过评判在赫尔蒙德举行的汽车内饰展览会,直接与设计的人工制品互动,并参加了荷兰许多领先的艺术和设计学校。这将会议带入了新的领域,为会议增添了新的活力。



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