首页> 外文学位 >Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill as participant/historian: A transitional figure in modern historiography who bridged the gap between writing history from the perspective of a participant and a historian.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill as participant/historian: A transitional figure in modern historiography who bridged the gap between writing history from the perspective of a participant and a historian.

机译:温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔(Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill)作为参与者/历史学家:现代史学中的一个过渡人物,从参与者和历史学家的角度弥合了书写历史的鸿沟。

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The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War, The River War. An Account of the Re-Conquest of the Sudan, The World Crisis, and The Second World War were contributions to historiography by Winston Churchill. These histories are largely tales of war, and they are critical of the actions of British policy. More than a historical stylist, Winston Churchill was a significant figure as a historian. He did this by participating and then recording. Churchill's place in historiography today is still subject to debate. Churchill the historian achieved greatness by bridging the gap between his roles as an active participant and an accurate recorder of the past.
机译:Malakand野战部队的故事:边疆战争,河战。 《重新征服苏丹》,《世界危机》和《第二次世界大战》是温斯顿·丘吉尔对史学的贡献。这些历史很大程度上是关于战争的故事,对英国的政策行动提出了批评。温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)不只是一位历史设计师,还是一位历史学家。他通过参与然后录制来做到这一点。如今,丘吉尔在史学中的地位仍存在争议。历史学家丘吉尔(Churchill)通过弥合他作为积极参与者和准确记录过去的角色之间的差距而取得了卓越的成就。




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