首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >Route choice behavior in a radial structured urban network: Do people choose the orbital or the route through the city center?

Route choice behavior in a radial structured urban network: Do people choose the orbital or the route through the city center?


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We use a license plate survey to study route choice through the city center of a medium-sized Dutch city, in which car drivers can basically choose between the orbital and center ring. For a sample of 1397 trips, we fitted a multinomial logit regression model. According to this model, route choice is relatively little influenced by actual travel time. This corresponds with the fact that many drivers did not choose the shortest time route. Travel distance in combination with one "route type velocity" for all orbital routes, and one route type velocity for all center routes is the most derisive factor. The route type velocity indicates how fast and attractive routes of that type are (being perceived). The results support the hypothesis that orbital routes are more attractive as these routes avoid the busy city center. This effect is however partly offset by the fact that drivers also prefer routes in the direction of their destination. These direct routes are mainly center routes. The results show the importance of considering complete routes in relation to their location and not only as a set of links and nodes when modeling route choice. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们使用车牌调查来研究穿越荷兰中型城市中心城市的路线选择,在该城市中,汽车驾驶员基本上可以在轨道环和中心环之间进行选择。对于1397次旅行的样本,我们拟合了多项logit回归模型。根据此模型,路线选择受实际行驶时间的影响相对较小。这与许多驾驶员没有选择最短时间路线的事实相对应。最具决定性的因素是所有轨道路径的行进距离与一个“路径类型速度”以及所有中心路径的一个路径类型速度相结合。路线类型的速度表示(被感知)该类型的路线的速度和吸引力。结果支持以下假设:轨道路线更具吸引力,因为这些路线避开了繁忙的市中心。然而,这种影响被以下事实部分抵消:驾驶员也偏爱在目的地方向上的路线。这些直接路线主要是中心路线。结果表明,在对路线选择进行建模时,不仅要考虑一组完整的路线,而且还要考虑与其位置相关的完整路线。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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