首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan >The bifurcation set of a complex polynomial function of two variables and the Newton polygons of singularities at infinity

The bifurcation set of a complex polynomial function of two variables and the Newton polygons of singularities at infinity


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A. Nemethi and A. Zaharia have defined the explicit set for a complex polynomial funciton f:C~n→C and conjectured that the bifurcation set of the global fibration of f is given by the union of the set of critical values and the explicit set of f. They have proved only the case n=2 and f is Newton non-degenerate. In the present Paper we will prove this for the case n=2, containing the Newton degenerate case, by Using toric modifications and give an expression of the bifurcation set of f in the words Of Newton polygons.
机译:A. Nemethi和A. Zaharia为复多项式函数f:C〜n→C定义了显式集,并推测f的整体纤维化的分支集由临界值集和显式的并集给出出发。他们证明只有n = 2且f是牛顿非简并的情况。在本文中,我们将通过复曲面修改来证明n = 2的情况(包含牛顿简并的情况),并用牛顿多边形的单词给出f的分叉集的表示。



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