首页> 外文期刊>繊維学会誌 >杢目縫い絞りの発現に関する研究



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Shibori is the most primitive tie-dyeing technique that has been performed more or less in various regions of the world. There are many research works on historical background, pattern, and dyeing method of various types of Shibori. However, the generating mechanism of Shibori pattern has not been logically considered yet. The purpose of this study is to clarify the generation mechanism of a pattern of Mokumenui-shibori and to build up simulating system of Mokumenui-shibori. First, we considered the effect of stitching pattern on nine generated patterns of dyed Shibori and then compared two groups of patterns in which the samples of one group are stitched by professionals and those of another group stitched by amateurs. Then we predicted that stripe of Mokumenui-shibori is driven only three patterns of stitching condition. To verify our supposition, we made original computer program and simulated five types of simple Shibori pattern which we think ahead. In this program, we gained every correct pattern. To gain a real image of Shibori pattern, we measured two cases of the width of Shibori pattern stripe. One is the width of stripe which is dyed in dark (black), and other one is dyed in light (gray). We understood that, the distribution curve of the black width is showed liner equations which has same slope and the distribution curve of the gray width is showed one liner equation. We set those equations in our program and simulated all samples. As a result, we gained all most same images in CG and confirmed their patterns. About 95% of direction of each stripe was correct.%絞りは模様染めとしてはもっとも原始的なものであり, 古くから世界各地で行なわれてきた.日本での絞りは, 奈良時代に中国系の締締が行なわれたが,あまり発展せ ず平安・鎌倉時代に継承されていった.その後,「辻が花 染め」という絞りを圭休とした格調の高い染色技術が完 成された.江戸時代に入り、絞りの技術は友禅染めや刺 繍とともにますます精細で技巧的なものとなり,京都を 中心とする絹の匹田絞り,鳴海・有校地方の木綿の絞り (有松絞り)などが行なわれ その技法の種類も数十種に およんだ.



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