首页> 外文期刊>Journal of statistical computation and simulation >Integration of classification algorithms and control chart techniques for monitoring multivariate processes

Integration of classification algorithms and control chart techniques for monitoring multivariate processes


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We propose new multivariate control charts that can effectively deal with massive amounts of complex data through their integration with classification algorithms. We call the proposed control chart the 'Probability of Class (PoC) chart' because the values of PoC, obtained from classification algorithms, are used as monitoring statistics. The control limits of PoC charts are established and adjusted by the bootstrap method. Experimental results with simulated and real data showed that PoC charts outperform Hotelling's T2 control charts. Further, a simulation study revealed that a small proportion of out-of-control observations are sufficient for PoC charts to achieve the desired performance.
机译:我们提出了新的多元控制图,通过与分类算法集成,可以有效处理大量复杂数据。我们将建议的控制图称为“类别概率(PoC)图”,因为从分类算法中获得的PoC值用作监视统计信息。 PoC图表的控制限制是通过自举方法建立和调整的。模拟和真实数据的实验结果表明,PoC图表的性能优于Hotelling的T2控制图。此外,模拟研究表明,少量失控的观测值足以使PoC图表达到所需的性能。



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