首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics >A spatial model for the needle losses of pine-trees in the forests of Baden-Wurttemberg: an application of Bayesian structured additive regression

A spatial model for the needle losses of pine-trees in the forests of Baden-Wurttemberg: an application of Bayesian structured additive regression


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The data that are analysed are from a monitoring survey which was carried out in 1994 in the forests of Baden-Wuerttemberg, a federal state in the south-western region of Germany. The survey is part of a large monitoring scheme that has been carried out since the 1980s at different spatial and temporal resolutions to observe the increase in forest damage. One indicator for tree vitality is tree defoliation, which is mainly caused by intrinsic factors, age and stand conditions, but also by biotic (e.g. insects) and abiotic stresses (e.g. industrial emissions). In the survey, needle loss of pine-trees and many potential covariates are recorded at about 580 grid points of a 4 km x 4 km grid. The aim is to identify a set of predictors for needle loss and to investigate the relationships between the needle loss and the predictors. The response variable needle loss is recorded as a percentage in 5% steps estimated by eye using binoculars and categorized into healthy trees (10% or less), intermediate trees (10-25%) and damaged trees (25% or more). We use a Bayesian cumulative threshold model with non-linear functions of continuous variables and a random effect for spatial heterogeneity. For both the non-linear functions and the spatial random effect we use Bayesian versions of P-splines as priors. Our method is novel in that it deals with several non-standard data requirements: the ordinal response variable (the categorized version of needle loss), non-linear effects of covariates, spatial heterogeneity and prediction with missing covariates. The model is a special case of models with a geoadditive or more generally structured additive predictor. Inference can be based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques or mixed model technology.
机译:分析的数据来自于1994年在德国西南地区联邦州巴登-符腾堡州森林中进行的一次监测调查。该调查是一项大型监测计划的一部分,该计划自1980年代以来一直在不同的时空分辨率下进行,以观察森林破坏的加剧。树木活力的一种指标是树木的落叶,它主要是由内在因素,年龄和林分状况引起的,但也由生物(例如昆虫)和非生物胁迫(例如工业排放物)引起。在调查中,在4 km x 4 km网格的大约580个网格点记录了松树的针刺损失和许多潜在的协变量。目的是确定针头丢失的一组预测器,并研究针头丢失与预测器之间的关系。使用双筒望远镜,以5%步长记录响应变量针头丢失的百分比,并分为健康树(10%或更少),中间树(10-25%)和受损树(25%或更多)。我们使用贝叶斯累积阈值模型,该模型具有连续变量的非线性函数和空间异质性的随机效应。对于非线性函数和空间随机效应,我们使用P样条的贝叶斯版本作为先验。我们的方法是新颖的,因为它可以处理几种非标准的数据要求:顺序响应变量(针丢失的分类版本),协变量的非线性影响,空间异质性以及缺少协变量的预测。该模型是具有地理加性或更一般而言结构化的加性预测变量的模型的特例。推论可以基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗技术或混合模型技术。



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