首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >The Coinage System in the Arthasastra and Commentarial Strategies in the Canakyatika by Bhiksu Prabhamati: Issues on the Textual Authorityof Manu's Code

The Coinage System in the Arthasastra and Commentarial Strategies in the Canakyatika by Bhiksu Prabhamati: Issues on the Textual Authorityof Manu's Code

机译:Bhiksu Prabhamati的Arthasastra中的造币系统和Canakyatika中的评论策略:关于马努法典的文本授权的问题

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The Canakyatika by Bhiksu Prabhamati is a Sanskrit commentary on the Arthasastra (1~(st)— 3~(rd) century ce), the most celebrated Sanskrit text on governance. The Canakyatika has not yet been fully studied nor translated into English. This paper presents the first English translation and analysis of the passages in which Prabhamati comments upon the activities of the "superintendent of the mint" (laksanadhyaksa) and of the "examiner of coins" (rupadarsaka). His exposition on Arthasastra 2.12.24—23 provides an interesting example of what can be defined as a "textual variation"; by means of commentarial techniques and literary devices the author stretches the structure of the root-text. On the basis of a broad analysis, this research demonstrates that the commentator quotes a passage on the coinage system from an unnamed source which, I shall argue, is the authoritative treatise on law Manava Dharmasastra (2nd - 3~(rd) century CE). This represents further evidence of the relationship between the Arthasastra and Manu's code. Finally, I shall suggest Bhiksu Prabhamati's date and place of origin.
机译:Bhiksu Prabhamati撰写的Canakyatika是梵文对Arthasastra(公元1世纪至3世纪)的评论,这是梵文有关治理的最著名文本。 Canakyatika尚未经过充分研究,也未翻译成英文。本文介绍了Prabhamati对“薄荷总监”(laksanadhyaksa)和“硬币检验员”(rupadarsaka)的活动进行评论的文章的第一篇英文翻译和分析。他对Arthasastra 2.12.24-23的阐述提供了一个有趣的例子,可以定义为“文本变体”。通过评论技术和文学手段,作者扩展了根文本的结构。在广泛分析的基础上,这项研究表明,评论员引用了未命名来源的造币系统文章,我认为这是关于法律Manava Dharmasastra(公元2世纪至3世纪)的权威论文。 。这代表了阿尔萨斯特拉邦和马努法典之间关系的进一步证据。最后,我将建议比丘·普拉巴哈马蒂(Bhiksu Prabhamati)的出生日期和地点。



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