首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Regional Science >Environmental Valuation: Interregional And Intraregional Perspectives

Environmental Valuation: Interregional And Intraregional Perspectives


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Carruthers and Munday's edited volume is a collection of 13 papers by 21 authors in the areas of economics, agricultural economics, geography, public policy, regional science, and urban planning. The impetus of the project that led to this book was, as stated by the editors, "to produce a cohesive volume on how people react to differences in environmental conditions among and within regions" (p. xvii). They go on to describe the key goal as: "to explore this diverse and rapidly expanding area of study in as holistic of a way as possible in order to familiarize the reader not only with the existing body of theory and evidence but, also, with how the research is conducted" (ibid.). In an effort to meet this goal, the book is divided into two parts, the first having five chapters on environmental valuation from an interregional perspective and the second having eight chapters on evaluation from an intraregional perspective. In this review I describe why I think the book succeeds in some aspects of the editors' goal but fails in others. I also examine some of the more noteworthy essays in the volume.



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