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The energy-water nexus in interregional economic trade from both consumption and production perspectives

机译:从消费和生产角度来看,各区域间经济贸易中的能量 - 水性质



Energy and water,serving as a critical part to support the goods and services provision,are highly interwoven in the social,economic and ecological system.To investigate the direct and indirect energy and water relationship in the complex economic trade,the trade-based energy-water nexus model is built.The regional energy and water consumption are inventoried for both consumption and production activities.Combining with the interregional monetary flows,the embodied energy and water flows are quantified.Finally,the pattern and mismatch of embodied energy and water trade is revealed.By the analyzing the pattern of the intermediate and final embodied water and energy trade,we aim to identify the synergies and tradeoffs in existing economic trade pathways.The results showed that Guangdong,Shandong,Zhejiang,Beijing,Liaoning are top 5 net embodied water(EW)importers,while Guangdong,Zhejiang,Beijing,Jiangsu and Shandong are the top 5 net embodied energy(EE)importers.Jiangsu is a main final EE exporter and intermediate EE importer.Meanwhile,Xinjiang and Heilongjiang are two main intermediate EW exporters.The pattern could provide insights for energy and water management from the perspective of suppliers and consumers.
机译:能源和水,作为一个重要组成部分,以支持商品和服务的提供,是高度交织的社会,经济和生态system.To探讨复杂的经济贸易的直接和间接的能源和水的关系,在贸易为主的能源 - 水关系模型是built.The区域能源和水的消耗被清点两个消费和生产activities.Combining与间货币流动,利用与实施能源和水流动是quantified.Finally,图案和具体化的能量和水贸易的失配是revealed.By分析的中间和最终体现水和能源贸易的格局,我们的目的是确定的协同作用和权衡现有的经济贸易pathways.The结果表明,广东,山东,浙江,北京,辽宁前五名网体现水(EW)进口国,而广东,浙江,北京,江苏和山东是前5网中隐含能(EE)importers.Jiangsu是一个主要的最终EE出口商和中间EE importer.Meanwhile,新疆和黑龙江两个主要的中间EW exporters.The模式可以提供能源和水管理的见解,从供应商和消费者的角度。



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